Singing & Spanking

Blogmeet #3,457 and you’re invited!


I know I’m not blogging much these days but it seems that I’m not alone. If blogging is “out” then I’m “in”. Why don’t you join us on our new blogmeet tomorrow night in the Marais? We’ll discuss the joys of not blogging and compare the number of friends we have on Facebook and how amazingly entertaining it is to get poked 14 times a day. What? It doesn’t sound exciting at all? Ok, forget Facebook and blogs then, ‘cos the only thing we’ll do is drink, dance on the tables and gossip about all the bloggers (and non-bloggers) who can’t come tomorrow night.


Hope to see you there.


PS: Don’t tell me about “short notice”. In France the day before is considered to be “in advance”.


PS2: If you can’t make it tomorrow, you may want to comfort yourself by listening to this instead.

I Love Memes


Lordy Lordy, I have just realized that I tagged myself with a very funny meme. It’s called the Happy Meme and the questions are very funny and I’m sure you all want to play along. This is a funny meme indeed. I like memes, they are so much fun. Especially if they’re happy memes. So let’s start. (giggle giggle) Continue reading

Good News

Only 4 years and 51 weeks left.


PS: Ok, I know you’ve already seen this picture everywhere , but admit you appreciate my optimism.

Happy New Year on Frog with a Blog TV

Can’t watch the video, Click here.

Sankta Lucia

Yesterday was Lucia day in Sweden and since nobody can celebrate Christmas like the Swedes and that I suddenly got this uncontrollable longing for my former home country, I decided to go to the Swedish Club in Paris to enjoy a little glass of Glögg and look at girls in white dresses. The Swedish Club is located in Alfred Nobel’s former Parisian home. You know, Nobel, from the Nobel prize!

You’ll find me tacky but I love this tradition. According to the Julian calendar, December 13th is the shortest day of the year and time to celebrate Lucy, the saint of light. Candles are lit everywhere, curtains are changed, and children wake up early in the morning, dress in white and sing around town.

The sweet tradition also has its downside of course. Every year children faint because of the heat generated by the candles, accidents happen as other kids catch fire as the one kid behind faints, or girls fight in order to be THE Lucia at school… Lucia who had to be a blonde for many years finally got to be a black Swedish girl (yes, they exist!) who was elected Lucia of the year in 2000. A revolution and yet very politically correct as always in Sweden.

Hälsningar till de som läser denna blogg i fran Sverige. För ni är nagra stycken… och jag vet vem ni är. God Jul.

Sorry for the really bad picture quality. But somebody needs to buy me a real webcam for Christmas…

A good glögg recipe.

Wig night

Hi! Rushing out again, this time to Strasbourg. A bit tired of all the traveling but I should have time to go to the Christmas market and buy cheap ciggies on the other side of the German border. I’m trying to find a few activities there not to be too bored out of my mind at night in my soulless hotel. I’m thinking about going to the theater and a few colleagues promised to throw a little party in my honor!!! hurray! I’ll try to write from there, but until then, enjoy a few photos of my Wig Night from a few days ago. I just had to try them all, sorry, this is the fate of a bald guy, to pretend for a night I had colorful hair. To see what my hair looked like when I was a teen-ager, check out pic#1, think Michael jackson 1979 and you get the picture…



Things are very strange sometimes. I mean listen to this:

I just spent 2 days in Rouen to audit one of my company’s offices there. For two days I sat with Englishmen going through every single aspect of their job. For those of you who are not too savvy on French history, Rouen is the place where Joan of Ark was barbecued by the English in 1431. The office of my company is actually located on the square where the first barbie took place.

Joan of Ark (may she burn rest in peace) saved France from the English but eventually got burnt by them while I spent 2 days grilling Englishmen. That’s fair I’d say.

In spite of my questions, the Englishmen invited me to the restaurant. The oldest inn in France. Can you believe that this place started serving food in 1345! Already 86 years before the first ever open air medieval barbecue took place (and still on the same square). So isn’t that amazing that my colleagues were thankful and actually treated me to a delicious lunch in spite of my neverending investigations! I conducted the audit together with a colleague whom I hadn’t met for years. We tried to remember where we had seen each other last time. It’s only when I realized it was in Istanbul, Turkey that I understood…


I’m thankful for coincidence today.

And here are some pics of the Thanksgiving party I was invited to last Saturday (at my friends Jean-Pierre Lamour and Miss America) where everybody had to cook something. I made the pecan pie and Favorite Mr. B made the unidentified dish hidden by crackers & cream.
Marshmallows on Sweet PotatoesPumkin PieTurkey & Garlic mash potatoesStuffingPecan PieMr. B’s Mysterious RecipeJP Lamour & Ms. AmericaJP Lamour fixing the TurkeyBlueberry Pie

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler

I’m back from Lisbon, I feel I should tell you about our trip there. But this was a city I liked so much that I just don’t know where to start. I’m extremely busy at work these days and don’t have much time to write anything. Plus, I’m turning into such a sociable monster, I mean check this out, all my evenings are booked up this week: theater, Scandiavian club, cocktail party and exhibition tonight, Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, house-warming party on Saturday night and game-brunch on Sunday. By Sunday night I should be really tired of meeting people and will hopefully have had my dose of social contacts for a while. Since I don’t have much time to write about my trip + pictures + tell you about the fact that I totally fell in love with the 3 P’s: Portuguese People and Pastries,  in the meantime, let me treat you to some interesting anagrams I received by email today.

The following anagrams are just too good to be true. Someone either has some time to waste or is a killer at Scrabble:

Dormitory = Dirty Room
Desperation = A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code = Here come Dots
Slot Machines = Cash Lost in ’em
Animosity = Is No Amity
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
Snooze Alarms = Alas! No More Z’s
Alec Guinness = Genuine Class
Semolina = Is No Meal
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Contradiction = Accord not in it
Astronomer = Moon Starer
Princess Diana = End Is A Car Spin
Year Two Thousand = A Year To Shut Down

This one’s amazing: [From Hamlet by Shakespeare]
To be or not to be: that is the question, whether tis nobler in
the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. =
In one of the Bard’s best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent
hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.
George Bush = He bugs Gore
Ronald Reagan = A darn long era
 Margaret Thatcher = That great charmer     (hmmm!!)
The Conservative Party = Teacher in vast poverty
And the grand finale:
“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Neil A. Armstrong =
A thin man ran; makes a large stride; left planet, pins flag on
moon! On to Mars!

Halloween Special on Frog with a Blog TV

Thank you all for your Halloween costume suggestions, but as usual, I asked for your opinion and didn’t listen to anyone. Bad frog, bad! My idea was to dress up as a dead female singer from the 80’s but ended up looking like an aging queen instead. Go figure!
So last weekend I went to Amboise for a couple of days, visited the beautiful Château de Chenonceau, went to a Halloween party and had huge amouts a little bit of alcohol. Thankfully, time changed in the middle of the night and I suddenly became one hour younger. As usual, I took tons of pictures during the weekend and thought I’d share them with you. However, I know how you people are into free & easily accessible entertainment and how you don’t give a damn about “Picture night at Frog with a Blog’s”, so I spiced it up a little and made another of my cheap entertainment productions. Voilà, cliquez là-dessous et Happy Halloween to you all!

Bossy Froggy (I know you like that!)

I neeeeed your help! Please! Your mission on earth this weekend is to find a Halloween costume idea for your favorite frog. It should be cheap, fun, shouldn’t require any make up and shouldn’t require any preparation effort whatsoever. My party is in a week and it had better be good!

Now get down to business!
